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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Learn to Appreciate

Hey you! You! The one who is reading this now! Just want to tell you that you are beautiful! Never ever think that you are not pretty or any negative thoughts about yourself. You may not the best of you, but trust me if you don't make an effort to know the best of you, no one will make that effort. I always tell myself and also others that no one knows about me better than I do. May be my parents do, but I bet they don't know everything about myself either. So embrace the truth that no one can love you more than yourself.

I was missing in action for a while because I was busy learning to manage my time properly. Getting involved in many things is a good thing, but it becomes a pain in the ass when the academic suffers due to poor time management. Well, second year as an undergraduate was a learning year for me about myself and the world. It has been a great year. As the school term is coming to an end and finals are around the corner, I planned to take some time off from studying to look back and reflect on the events that happened this year.

Overall, it has been a great year.Also, I had the best company around me who keep me alive and inspired all the time. Without them, I wouldn't have done my second year as good as I did. I might not have done the best in terms of grades, but I did try my best and I learned more than just academics. I learned about myself and how fragile I could be at times. Everything happens for a reason. :D So its not a big deal. :D There are a lot lessons that I learned in my second year journey, but the most prominent one is appreciate the people, their relationship in life, so that I don't lose them. There are always chances for you to mess up with the relationship, but be careful because it takes lots of  time and effort to build a good one and just seconds to destroy the trust that has been build up.

1 comment:

Espèra said...

I once "broke up" with a girl because I had handed her my phone to go to the washroom, and found her scrolling through my messages when I came out. :/