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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finally cleared from CONFUSION!


How are you doing people? I hope you are doing great! No matter what, do not worry because everything will be alright at a point in your life. Do not wait for the time to come, but make it happen. I know that you can do it.

Past few days, probably few weeks I was in a big dilemma and confusion. I was doubting my own believes and thoughts. Apparently, I learned that the more I read, the more I talk and the more people I meet, I will allow myself some space to doubt my own thoughts due to other people's belief. That is not bad actually. Indeed, it increases the strength of my belief eventually.

I have to confess that I am not knowledgeable in religious topics, but I have a great faith in God. In my opinion, religion is something very abstract and it is created by man for man in order to make this earth as a place that can be lived in comfort. Yet, I will not deny that the knowledge in religion is very vital because this knowledge shapes one from being a blind follower to a person who is aware about what he is doing certain things.

Now, you might ask me, what was your confusion? My confusion was why we need to have religious knowledge when I believed that having strong faith in God is sufficient enough. The irony is that, in the name of God, people fight, people go for war, people discriminate and people do all sorts of crazy stuffs. How knowing religious knowledge can help to prevent all this when most people who misuse the name of God are the ones that have read the scriptures of their religions?

This leads to the common confusion, why do God let all this happen? Does He exist? If He does, why not He stops all this. By questioning my belief that I held for 19 years, I finally got the answer.

All these things happen not because there is no God. But, it is due to the religion and its people. I know that I am making a strong statement here. Who said that God is favourable to people who praises and glorify him all day? Who said that God is bias towards his devotees and will only help them? If this is true, then people whom suffer from war and discrimination do not pray to God? Or the ones who discriminate them do not believe in humanity?

God in Tamil is said as "kadavul" which means beyond and within. It was an ancient name for Lord Shiva "http://www.experiencefestival.com/kadavul". Well, that is the literal meaning of it, yet people can interpret it differently.

My basic understanding of this word: Kadavul is someone who is beyond you but within you. Confusing right? Now you know why I end up being confused. :P

Coming back to this serious topic, He is beyond me but within me? How is that possible? This is where now my belief is strengthen so much.
Lord is nowhere else but in oneself through his self realization, his activities and his thoughts. He is beyond the access of the conscious mind. That is why I say that Lord is beyond you but within you. But if He is my activities, how come he can't be accessed through my conscious mind might be your next question. I can highly guess it.

Well, don't worry about this. I was confused too. Later I realized that one can access Him. How? By realizing that He is within you. It is not easy to realize that when people around you see God as one who is separate from you. In fact, God is your soul. He is you and you are Him. The power is inside you, through your actions, thoughts. That is how I believe "the law of attraction" came about too. Utilizing the power of your thoughts, which is believed to be as strong as a magnetic interaction. In order to realize Him, cleanse your thoughts and always act in a way that can benefit the world. There is no point of being very religious but do less good deeds. That is why religion is created, to cleanse people's thoughts by saying that you will be punished by an Ultimate power if you are not behaving properly. Eventually, people learned to forget that the ultimate power is within oneself. When they become corrupted, they are destroyed by their own deeds( the ultimate power within them). After all, what goes around, comes around.

Now, the discussion has become far more complicated that I have thought. I know that this is a never-ending story that goes around all the time. All that you need at times is the faith. There are a lot of things that are not explained. Science is not all and all is not science. There are things beyond scientific explanations which just need some commonsense to understand it.

I wrote this solely on my personal opinion, so no offense please and leave a comment if you think that I am wrong.

That's all for the moment. These are the things that bottled up in myself for such a long time. I never thought that I will be writing this article for an hour on a week before my finals. :P

Take care people and may God bless you.


Deepa said...

A very good point of view about religion and God. Sadly, I think I'm losing touch with my spirituality gradually. What I believe is love is the basis of belief. Religion is just a complex mathematical formula. It's up to the people to use the formula to either find or destroy love.

Vinotheni Rajendran said...

Totally agree with you Deepa!! Love is all and all is Love! <3